Thursday, March 26, 2009


Bab Bowl XXV took place on August 31st, 2007. The Crusade expansion was used for a third time. This game used a deck size of 100 cards.

Sean = Non-Aligned
Simon = Humans
JP = Minbari

Final Score (Total points in all Bab Bowls in brackets)

JP = 17 (405)
Sean = 16 (402)
Simon = 13 (440)

This game was called on account of bad news that I received that night. My heart was no longer in the game at that time.

Ranking (Major Victories, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in brackets)

Simon = 61 points (4-6-8-7)
Sean = 51 points (1-7-8-9)
JP = 49 points (1-5-10-9)

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