Monday, March 16, 2009


Bab Bowl XIV took place on January 3rd, 2000. The PSI Corps Expansion was now used with the possibility of using Home Factions. This game allowed 100 cards in each deck. This time, we decided to do a scenario game: "The Battle for Human Supremacy" with all 3 players with a different Human faction.

Sean = Human (Sheridan)
Simon = Human (Clark)
JP = Human (Psi Corps)

Final Score (Total points in all Bab Bowls in brackets)

JP = 11 (249)
Simon = 0 (246)
Sean = 0 (224)

A major victory for JP and the Psi Corps. A forfeit for Clark and Sheridan.

Ranking (Major Victories, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in brackets)

Simon = 32 points (1-4-6-3)
JP = 29 points (1-3-5-5)
Sean = 25 points (0-4-3-7)

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