Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Basic Deck Building

Deck building is an art. It can seem great on paper but suck royally in a game. Your starting hand sets the tone for the entire game.

According to the rulebook, a starting hand can include the following cards:
  • Starting Ambassador
  • Ambassador's Assistant
  • Homeworld
  • Agenda
The problem with this basic combo is that it might take a couple of turns to get 3 cards on the table and to play the Homeworld, 10 influence must be used, which take at least 6 turns to reach.

Another philosophy is to add cards that can all be played quickly for maximum effect. Something in I did in Bab Bowl 23. I played all 4 cards in the first turn. Can't always do this, but it sure is fun to have an empty hand so quickly. However, you are now at the mercy of your deck and good cards coming out to continue your quest for victory.

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